Mystical experience can facilitate novel perspectives, new awareness, ego dissolution, and makes us aware of how stuck we are in our reactive patterns and comfort zones. During mystical experiences, the reaches of our sensory system, see more vivid colors and have an expanded field of view. The spectacle of closed-eye visions and the experience of synesthesia go above what we could assume we’re capable of perceiving; their power can at times make us feel as if we were receiving messages from a grand, powerful source. Those who frequent Sky Studio speak of these experiences.
Mystical experiences push us past the limits of what we can fathom as humans and past our fears. The most profound changes happen when we choose to leave fear behind and surrender to the powers that hold and guide us in the mystical experience. At Sky Studio you only have to surrender to the power of the light.
Mystical experiences are defined by nine key factors.
Conscious Unity
No Time or Space
Objective Reality
Life Is Seen As Sacred
You Understand Paradox
The Experience Is Indescribable
The Experience Is Temporary
The Experience Is Life-Changing
The Lucia N°03 expands your horizons of what is possible and allows you the opportunity to enter deeper awareness of self and other.