What It Feels Like to Light Travel, as featured in GOOP Magazine
Written by: Denise John, PhD, Published on: March 16, 2023
When I was first asked if I wanted to light travel, the only response I could muster was: “Huh?” But after a little research, I was all in.
Light travel is a practice pioneered by neurologist and psychologist Dirk Proeckl and clinical psychologist and psychotherapist Engelbert Winkler. Flashing light patterns, most commonly facilitated by a lamp called Lucia N°03, theoretically allow you to enter a deep meditative state.
Unlocking Sleeplessness under the Lucia Nº.03
Sky Studio Lucia clients who have included Light meditation into their wellness practice each have a story of how it has profoundly shifted something for them. We most commonly hear about improvements in areas of those living with, SAD, depression, anxiety, inability to stop the negative self talk, inability to meditate making it impossible to enjoy the many benefits of entering the deepest states of meditation, including, theta and gamma as seen during brain mapping during light sessions.
Mystery Cults Journey to the Inside
The very origins of human beings and our capacity for self consciousness is shrouded in mystery. Even today in the 21st century when we reach for the stars, we wonder at the nature of our inner reality, we pause to question our relationship with nature, with each other, with ourselves.
Science collects information quicker than people can attain wisdom. We know freedom is not a given but a hard choice, a road that takes us towards the light, a journey of truth and the sombre realization that we need not star ships - but mirrors. We need to know again who we really are.
Founder & CEO of Sky Studio
Tina is the Founder and CEO of Sky Studio, and she makes it her daily quest to dwell in peace, freedom and joy; her presence exudes a loving kindness to all people, whether they are a business associate, client, friend, or a family member. She has the unique ability to seamlessly navigate towards great balance while simultaneously expressing an energy that lends itself to making the deepest connection with those whose lives she touches.
The Lucia Light Creators
Austrian clinical psychologist, Dr. Engelbert Winkler, and neurologist Dr. Dirk Proeckl, first developed the Lucia Nº03 device as a part of their research into Near-Death Experiences (NDE) and the many psychological benefits that often were a result of such experiences. Looking at ways of replicating the benefits of NDE’s, they hit on the idea of simulating one of the key motifs of the experience – interaction with light - and developed Lucia. Not surprisingly, the resulting findings are equivalent to that of the measured reactions of subjects who are long-time meditation practitioners.
Meditation Experience with Lucia N°03
Come to find out that these visual experiences of colors triggered a row of positive effects, like intense trance and surging bliss which sometimes lasted for days. It quickly became clear, that Lucia carried me into depth and heights of consciousness, which so far could only be reached after hours of meditation. The hypnagogic light experience elevates the colors of the soul and brings out the inner colorfulness. It proved to me to be valuable that with/through Lucia N°03 one can reach the legendary point of genuine release and real relief can take place. Because most of the time it is not unwillingness to let go, but simply and poignantly the fact, that one is unable to delve so deep in order to enable true release.
Expanded states of consciousness & Lucia N°03
People have always reported about a change of consciousness which they are not able to express in words, yet they are universal.
In such a state, the thought-process changes, as well as time, space, and body awareness, the emotional expression as well as the intensity of perception. The inner self becomes active, while the everyday consciousness fades into the background. Contact to our hidden potential develops.
Triggers for such changed states of consciousness can be amongst others; specific meditation, diverse breathing techniques, ecstatic states in high-performance sport, or spiritual existential crises. As well as, psychoactive substances (LSD, Psilocybin, DMT etc.)
Studies in regards to Lucia N°03’s mode of action
With regard to the proof of efficiency and range of effects of Lucia N°03 we would like to affirm, that the patented meditation-device Lucia N°03, has combined the detailed researched techniques; using flickering-light, with new light technologies, using LED and halogen light-sources.
By now, the efficiency of the flickering-light therapy, the constant-light source, the application of the hypnagogic condition trance phenomena etc, is well documented. The scientific facts regarding the efficiency of psychedelic altered states of consciousness has become more conclusive.
"Getting High on Light"
Engelbert Winkler discusses the power and potential of light, and the development of the Lucia Nº03 Hypnagogic Lamp. Light is essential to life, and it affects the brain and body in subtle and dramatic ways. But beyond warming our skin and growing our food, how many of us ever really afford it a second thought? Even the sublime beauty of the sunset all too often slips away unseen. Cutting edge research, however, is revealing properties of light which, although appearing to us as an unfolding paradigm, are in truth resonant reflections of insights and experiences that many of our ancient ancestors would have instinctively understood. In ages past, the powerful psychoactive effects of light changed lives, shaped entire cultures, and may even have led to the founding of religions, some of which are still with us today. Whilst exploring these almost antediluvian mysteries, we shed light on the future, from near death experiences and so-called mental illness, to light’s potential to transform our states of being, and evolve consciousness itself.
Ms. Tietze ́s poem
Resting inside myself, Surrounded by darkness.
There comes a radiant light,
Which breaks into a thousand colors, To fill my heart with warmth,
With his splendor.
Beyond the boundary between body and soul:
A being, returned to its source -
In the pure moment of being matured to mere perception, Finally conceives of itself as light.
Activate, boost and care for your pineal gland
Imagine a bridge. On the left lives the physical; on the right lives the spiritual. Under the bridge lives the ogre. Pay the ogre his toll to cross the bridge. Who is the ogre? The pineal gland. What is the toll? Blood sugar, the final digestion of all food. Keep the ogre supplied and he will ensure that our “sun” continues to shine – we will have clarity, bliss, insight, intuition and imagination. Don’t feed him properly, and we will experience problems such as confusion, jealousy and pessimism.