The Lucia Light is an extremely unique and beautiful one. As my session began I found myself whirling and swooping through luminescent tunnels of optic light patterns and geometric designs. The Light awakened my soul and I was in pure consciousness travelling through the galaxy… I was in the heart of the universe. All the while my entire being in a deep state of peace. I felt like a perfectly tuned instrument, my soul perfectly aligned with my body. I was fully in touch with myself on a profound level, much like the clarity through a near-death-experience (which I have had) and all the decisions that I was currently facing were suddenly resolved.
~ JP
As the lights began to flash, I was instantly transported to a place of omnipresent welcoming. The sense of comfort and warmth was immense and completely encompassing. Light patterns, shapes, shades and textures that I never once laid eyes upon danced and glided not through my vision, but my mind’s eye. I was truly on a journey like no other I had ever found myself on before. As it ended, I felt a serene sense of peace. Tension had dropped away into the void and I felt myself light and present. Words do little justice to this experience.
Try the Lucia for yourself, it is a highly individual experience of light and love.
~ HG
A life changing experience that has allowed me to sleep more deeply, and live in the moment for days after sitting under the light. Pure bliss! One of the best journeys you’ll go on! Sky Studio has helped me relax into a new state of consciousness and take my meditation to a deeper level. Tina Averback makes the experience even more special, anyone who gets to sit and chat with her is very lucky
Loved the whole experience. It was exactly what I needed. I don’t know what I expected but it definitely exceeded what I was hoping for. I will definitely do this on a regular basis. Well worth experiencing!
Thank you for the gift of today. I was taken on a journey to the most beautiful landscape of my own soul. There was peace and perfection at every corner. I was aware of my soul being carried while I was observing the truth and expansion of my life in this moment. There was expansion and excitement, clarity and connection.
Had my first Lucia Nº03 experience this morning, and the alert yet relaxed focus has remained with me all day. I am now focused, energized and simply wowed by the amazing creativity of the human brain. If you want an interesting way to reach an altered state, call Tina. She made me feel so comfortable and safe that I could truly “let go” and that’s not easy for me!
The Light is a tool to dismantle the ego. We are not accustomed to showing up on this level, but as the light takes us in, it takes us into all these dimensions, it stretches us and breaks up the humanity and the solid sense that we know ourselves to be. Multiple sessions must be done to dismantle the scaffolding of the separate little self on this octave; each session is a hammer dismantling the human resistance. Session upon session you break through; the little self is liberated and the light takes command, connecting you to the highest aspect of you. I love this practice, so many profound things are brought to my awareness.
The Lucia Light allowed a space for me to even out and calm my mind by meeting it with as much input as my stresses were pushing on. It was highly effective and left me feeling reflective, empathetic and humbled. by the end of the session, I was less concerned with the self and more with my surroundings- without any worry or irritability. In this way, I was able to learn first-hand that the Lucia Light is a meditation even for the most distracted. It’s an invitation to higher, guided calmness even for the least seasoned in mindfulness. It is a lesson in letting yourself and your surface thoughts give way to the mind that we don’t control, ultimately demonstrating the intricacy, care and deep connectedness granted to each place on earth.
I was curious about the Lucia Light, Tina Averback guided me with grace and knowledge while emphasizing the experiences were my own, this came into focus after my session was completed. I experienced a contentment, a feeling of letting go into a fully immersive visual show that I watched with my eyes closed, I only wish I could be more expressive about what I saw, suffice to say I had many moment of wonder that my mind could create such images. Tina’s guidance helped put the experience in perspective with a wonderful conversation afterward that helped to bring my experience into focus and retain more of what I saw, I came in with little expectation, only what I read, I came away with a sense of wonder and an eagerness to try this again.
Experiencing the Sky Studio Lucia Light shook me up in the most amazing way; it is incredibly profound and fascinating. Your eyes are closed physically, but you are consciously opened to another realm possibly the only one. A kaleidoscope of what is even life, but a mash-up of colours, shapes, places, textures, smells, memories, presence. Holy, synesthesia is real! A dizzying display of what love is. The confusion of acceptance, of accessing higher power, your higher power. If you seek courage, if you chase, freedom, if you want peace, to know love. I made a list of every person that I wish could experience this healing light: You’re on it.
It takes over your whole body. I am the type of person who can’t sit still but I never moved a single muscle throughout the whole treatment. I thought that was impossible for me. Looking forward to more in the future.
It’s as though you get to discover your best self, and then fall in love! A truly beautiful homecoming.
A lot of colour, lots of healing taking place. I was witnessing my brain healing itself. I got to see into the matrix of mathematics. This is the coolest thing ever. Got to see universal structure, a bounty of images, unreal!
It’s like I’m coming home. So much love, so beautiful. It’s a cosmic excellerator. So good, it opened me up; reprogrammed, recalibrated, so beautiful! I felt like I was having surgery on my heart. Light beings working on my heart and readjusting me. Taking out old things and putting in new things. It was amazing. This was cosmic surgery! Had times were I was out of body and not sure where I was, feeling blissful, extraordinary, feeling full of love. All the cells of my body have been activated with light and love.