Founder & CEO of Sky Studio Lucia

International Representative and Distributor of the Lucia N°03

Tina's dedication to holistic practices was magnified while working in Administration in one of Vancouver’s busiest hospitals.  At the same time, she continued to expand her horizons and to constantly think outside the box. Five years later, Tina shifted her career path towards entrepreneurship, owning and operating the largest beauty salon in downtown Vancouver.  As a business owner, she quickly amassed the savvy management expertise necessary for her future endeavors.

After ten years in the beauty industry, Tina was drawn back to the hospital setting, where she felt she could make the greatest contribution. Having acquired an acute business acumen, combined with her natural desire and ability to help people in crisis, Tina combined her knowledge and experience with a more Holistic approach to health and wellness.  This resulted in the introduction of programs and services that became vital to the medical community, and transferred all of her talents towards the emotional component of healing.

Tina’s strong spiritual practice, has led her to explore various modalities in energy work, crystal healing, yoga, meditation, reiki, and theta healing to name a few. She continues to attend workshops and courses that she recognizes to be a crucial component both in her personal and professional life.

Read more on Tina’s discovery of our unique light technology and her incredible journey of relieving her insomnia with regular light meditation session on our blog here.