Meditation Experience with Lucia N°03
Meditation Experience with Lucia N°03, Text: BG (Student in Innsbruck), 18.07.2015 (translation to English: TZ 20151228)
It so happened, that I heard about Lucia N°03 and the hypnagogic light-experience for the first time at a congress where I looked at the system on-site. Despite having a critical attitude, I initially decided for a ‘test drive’. Because of the breathtaking experience at the first session, my mind was made up to test Lucia N°03 some more.
At this time, I already had a long-standing practice in meditation, trance, ecstasy and altered states of consciousness. I did not expect much from this experience, but I was proven wrong. In the following sessions I delved into radiant colors, whose intensity and luminosity can hardly be put into words, but this was only the beginning.
Come to find out that these visual experiences of colors triggered a row of positive effects, like intense trance and surging bliss which sometimes lasted for days. It quickly became clear, that Lucia carried me into depth and heights of consciousness, which so far could only be reached after hours of meditation. The hypnagogic light experience elevates the colors of the soul and brings out the inner colorfulness. It proved to me to be valuable that with/through Lucia N°03 one can reach the legendary point of genuine release and real relief can take place. Because most of the time it is not unwillingness to let go, but simply and poignantly the fact, that one is unable to delve so deep in order to enable true release. At least in my case, Lucia N°03 helped me pick up the pace on the path to awareness. With appropriate attendance, it is conceivable that Lucia N°03 can be successfully used in trauma therapy.
Also, worth mentioning are the experiences of dissolving into the universe as pure tranquility and the accompanied sense of unity. In any case, the hypnagogic light experience carries you into regions beyond the haste of thought and opens a space of quietude in which much is possible.
Furthermore, the hypnagogic light experience permanently impacts my ability to put myself into a deep trance or silence my thoughts. These procedures, which previously took up some time, now perform promptly and smooth. Also, considerable self-understandings and insights accumulated during the sessions.
Just like every human being is unique, so will be the experiences with/through the hypnagogic light-experience. It is best to approach the self-awareness with the help of this lamp, unbiased and devoid of expectations to obtain your own impression, which lays beyond the ascertain-ability of words.