Expanded states of consciousness & Lucia N°03
People have always reported about a change of consciousness which they are not able to express in words, yet they are universal.
In such a state, the thought-process changes, as well as time, space, and body awareness, the emotional expression as well as the intensity of perception. The inner self becomes active, while the everyday consciousness fades into the background. Contact to our hidden potential develops.
Triggers for such changed states of consciousness can be amongst others; specific meditation, diverse breathing techniques, ecstatic states in high-performance sport, or spiritual existential crises. As well as, psychoactive substances (LSD, Psilocybin, DMT etc.)
Profound attitude changes become possible, unsolved conflicts and life patterns can be brought to a positive change.
Throughout history, a changed consciousness has been considered a portal to a different world. The results of the modern consciousness research often confirms the testimony for the expanded potential by worldwide practices of spiritual rituals.
The often mentioned expanded potential of changed states of consciousness prompted Dr. Dirk Proeckl and Dr. Engelbert Winkler to closer examine the neuropsychological contexts of this phenomena. In their effort, they included the most current conclusions of modern conscious research. The result of their longstanding developmental work is the patented, international award-winning meditation lamp Lucia N°03. A special software navigates nine light sources to optically stimulate the brain in diverse variations.
Everybody who wishes to connect to pure conscious states, and use it for their own growth, can now try this without dangerous side effects of psychoactive substances.
A study done by the University of Sussex in 2015 confirms that the hypnagogic light-experience initiated by Lucia N°03, enables changed states of consciousness. As opposed to the psychoactive substances, the hypnagogic light experience is controllable, the application is legal and does not harbor the danger of dependency.
further information / links:
(1) study – Dr. David Schwartzman, 2015:
The presentation of the study regarding the effects of Lucia N°03 on neuro-connectivity by Dr. David Schwartzman and his MSc student Ashley Ward, (Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK) was able to confirm that Lucia N°03 is an effective tool for inducing a dissociative state of consciousness in non-clinical participants. These types of states can be seen as the base for a mystical/ transpersonal experiences.
(2) study – Dr. Robin Carhart-Harris, researcher, neurologist, psychologist, London 2016: links (only English) – study independent of Lucia N°03
one of many journals: „Hufftingpost“ April 14, 2016 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/lsd-brain-scans-effects_us_570e5e8ae4b03d8b7b9ef83c
link: New images map the mind-altering effects of LSD https://twitter.com/robincarharthar?lang=de