Studies in regards to Lucia N°03’s mode of action


With regard to the proof of efficiency and range of effects of Lucia N°03 we would like to affirm, that the patented meditation-device Lucia N°03, has combined the detailed researched techniques; using flickering-light, with new light technologies, using LED and halogen light-sources.

By now, the efficiency of the flickering-light therapy, the constant-light source, the application of the hypnagogic condition trance phenomena etc, is well documented. The scientific facts regarding the efficiency of psychedelic altered states of consciousness has become more conclusive.

The research projects which are directly supported by the “Light Attendance Gmbh”, resulted, within the framework of a quality study, in one part in a verifiable effect on the creativity or the problem-solving skills of test persons (Prof. Ralph Bucher, München, DE *). On the other part, Dr. David Schwartzman (University of Sussex, UK **) was able to scientifically prove, that Lucia N°03 induces an intense dissociative state of consciousness. Just as it could be proven in connection with mystic and spiritual experiences and hypnotic trance.

* Prof. Ralph Buchner, Munich University of Applied Sciences, DE „Study: INTO THE LIGHT, Creativity through Psychedelic Light Travel«. 2014.

** Dr. David Schwartzman et alias, Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK : Study „EEG Functional Connectivity and Phenomenology of Induced Dissociative States. 2015.

*** Dr. Roland Beisteiner, MD, MA Universitätsklinik für Neurologie Medizinische Universität Wien, AT. .2015.


Expanded states of consciousness & Lucia N°03


"Getting High on Light"